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Learning Resources

 Ongoing learning events, initiatives, resources & webinars

Pragmatic Works Free Webinars
Many of you have read the books, now meet the authors. Our webinar series connects you with your favorite authors from Wrox, Pragmatic Works and SQLServerCentral.com. This is your opportunity to communicate directly with these pillars of the SQL Server community.


SQL University
SQL University is a free online resource for those seeking to learn SQL Server technology from the ground level up. This is done via a series of blog posts written by various SQL Server experts and bloggers from all around the world on various topics related to SQL Server. Each week in a semester there is a new topic presented and the professor (blogger) for that week writes up posts based on that topic. More…


Community driven knowledge base with podcasts, blogs and articles covering SQL Server hosted by Quest Software.


Business Intelligence Developer Network (BIDN)
BIDN is a community-driven blog site  with blogs and articles covering SQL Server Business Intelligence.


The largest Microsoft SQL Server community with more than 1,5 million users contributing blogs, articles, videos, and scripts related to SQL Server and Business Intelligence.


T-SQL Tuesday
T-SQL Tuesday is the SQL Server blogosphere’s first recurring, revolving blog party. The idea is simple: Each month a blog will host the party, and about a week before the second Tuesday of the month a theme will be posted. Any blogger that wishes to participate is invited to write a post on the chosen topic. The event is called “T-SQL Tuesday”, but any post that is related to both SQL Server and the theme is fair game.  More…

URL: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/adam_machanic/archive/tags/_2300_tsql2sday/T-SQL+Tuesday/default.aspx

SQL Lunch
The primary purpose of SQLLunch is to provide a learning environment that allows real-time synchronous Interaction between Speakers and Attendees. We welcome speakers from all levels. No matter if the SQL Lunch is your first speaking engagement or if you are a seasoned speaker, your session is welcomed. More…

URL: http://sqllunch.com/Default.aspx

Kimball Group
The authoritative group behind data warehouse modeling and concepts. Several articles and design tips.


The Data Warehouse Institute
A big think tank organization on Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing. Great resources like market trends, surveys, articles and webinars.


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